Automotive Lubricants | Spare Parts | Industrial Oils

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now dealing in auto spare parts and electronics

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jai auto house, jodhpur
“Your organization has been a valuable provider to our business, and we appreciate the support you have given us. We look forward to continuing our relationship.”
izo automotives, delhi
“Thank you very much. I knew you had it in you! I have sent your e-mail to my accounting department so they know and I called my customer to let him know. He was very pleased, so thank you again for going the extra mile. That’s customer service. Your persistence paid off and made my customer very happy, which in turn makes me happy. Thank you again for your service and going the extra mile.”
kitara traders, chennai


Why choose us

5 Years Experience

We are a renowned and trusted Manufacturer + Distributor in Automotive and Industrial Lubricants Industry.

Custom-Blended and OEM Approved Lubricants Delivered Nationwide

National and International Shipping

We have Logistics Partnerships with major National and International Carriers

Gearless Oil Experts